Hyperhidrosis and Mental Health

Published by Megan Cameron on

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Of course, we talk a lot about the physical impact hyperhidrosis has on those who are challenged by it. What about the mental health implications though? There are some common mental health challenges that go hand in hand with hyperhidrosis. Check them out below!

Hyperhidrosis and Anxiety

It can be daunting to sweat excessively, but the good news is that much of the time hyperhidrosis does not cause anxiety. Anxiety occurs when fear and worry get in the way of your daily life and cause you to experience anxiety symptoms like panic attacks, excessive sweating, heart palpitations, and trembling. Many people are unaware that these symptoms are a result of excessive sweating or anxiety. Instead, they believe they have high blood pressure or a heart condition. If you’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable due to excessive sweating, remember that this is just a symptom of hyperhidrosis. If you take care of yourself by managing your lifestyle and addressing any underlying medical condition(s) causing your hyperhidrosis-related health issues- you’ll likely find that it goes away on its own or begins to improve gradually over time.

Hyperhidrosis and Depression

One of the most common misconceptions about hyperhidrosis is that it causes depression. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, but there are many studies that show a relationship between hyperhidrosis and anxiety disorders. This can lead to social stigma and a decreased quality of life. Hyperhidrosis can also be an indicator of other medical conditions like heart disease or certain types of cancer. So, if you’re experiencing excessive sweating even though you’re healthy and haven’t been diagnosed with any condition, it’s best to get checked out by a doctor. Another factor that can cause over-sweating is underactive sweat glands. If you don’t produce enough sweat, your body temperature will increase as a result of not being able to cool down. To avoid this from happening, try increasing your salt intake or taking a hot bath before bedtime so your body has a chance to sweat during the night.

Hyperhidrosis and Body Odor

The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are caused by an underlying medical condition or disease. This type of hyperhidrosis is known as secondary hyperhidrosis, which can be caused by a variety of diseases, disorders, and conditions. For example, people with diabetes may experience excessive sweating that accompanies diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The sweat released in DKA contains large amounts of ketones and ammonia that cover the body and can cause it to be very odorous. Another kind of hyperhidrosis is known as focal hyperhidrosis, which occurs when there is a localized area on one’s body where sweating has increased significantly. In focal hyperhidrosis, the sweating is due to external stimulation on one part of the body. This could happen with something as simple as a specific massage technique or muscle contractions during physical movement

Hyperhidrosis and ADHD

Hyperhidrosis is a common condition, known to affect more than 4 million Americans. It can be difficult to distinguish hyperhidrosis from other types of excessive sweating, such as those with an underlying medical condition or disease that causes them to sweat excessively. Hyperhidrosis is sometimes associated with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Although they don’t have anything in common, hyperhidrosis and ADHD are often misdiagnosed because they share similar traits like anxiety and embarrassment. In some cases, hyperhidrosis can also lead to mental health issues like depression and social anxiety. In these cases, it’s helpful for a person with hyperhidrosis to join support groups for people who suffer from these conditions.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, know you are not alone.


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